You are going to fill in this BOAT Questionnaire for a child, a youngster or a (mentally challenged) adult with a cognitive developmental age of at least 6 years. The BOAT consists of 4 parts (A1, A2, B1 and B2), which must be completed together in one session. None of your data will be stored on this website. At the end of the questionnaire you can download a visual image (the 'Interaction wheels') as a PDF. file and your numerical data as an IAS-file. You can reopen a saved ias file with this program (or with another BOAT program from Interaction Compass). You can use both files at your own discretion. The Interaction Wheels for example, can be used as a discussion tool with your colleagues, if you work in Education, Youth Care or Care for mentally challenged Adults. Or you can send both files to an expert on the Interaction Compass for further elaboration (e.g. your supervisor, counselor or the psychologist concerned). Now go below to 'PERSONAL DATA'.
Do you want to use this program to open the IAS-file of a previously completed BOAT-questionnaire? Click 'Choose File' to select an already saved .IAS file. Then click the Upload .ias button. :
Do you want to convert the IAK file of a previously completed BOAT-YOCH into an IAS file with this program? Click on 'Choose File' to select an already saved .iak file. After that click the Upload .iak button. You can then download the IAS version of your file at the bottom of this questionnaire.
First fill in the personal data form. Then fill in the complete questionnaire. Finally, download all your data in TWO files: your Interaction Wheels in a pdf file and your datasheet as an ias- or iak-file.
↑ Fill in the missing data or upload an .ias file.
The following 32 statements refer to how the child in question behaves towards you. By clicking on one of the five answer options, you indicate which answer applies. You can get an explanation for each statement. 'normal' = when necessary, this ability is used appropriately.
- Empathizes with me.▸ Explanation
- On his/her guard against me.▸ Explanation
- Adopts a demanding attitude towards me.▸ Explanation
- Acts modestly towards me.▸ Explanation
- Encourages and supports me.▸ Explanation
- Adopts a reserved attitude towards me.▸ Explanation
- Accepts my criticism.▸ Explanation
- Trusts his/her judgement.▸ Explanation
- Criticizes me at a personal level.▸ Explanation
- Gives me advice.▸ Explanation
- Emphasizes my qualities.▸ Explanation
- Acts dependently towards me.▸ Explanation
- Gives me space.▸ Explanation
- Shows his/her anger towards me.▸ Explanation
Note: Meaning: anger about you!
- Wants to outperform me.▸ Explanation
- Expresses his/her reservations or doubts: 'Yes, but..".▸ Explanation
- Behaves as my equal.▸ Explanation
Note: He/she seeks no (real) battle with you then!
- Acts in a caring way towards me.▸ Explanation
- Does what I ask him/her to do.▸ Explanation
- Separates him/herself by keeping silent.▸ Explanation
Note: 'Supercilious' silence is NOT meant here.
- Shows when dissatisfied with me.▸ Explanation
- Stands up to me.▸ Explanation
- Organizes and arranges things for me.▸ Explanation
- Shows when he/she is disappointed with me.▸ Explanation
- Adopts a passive-awaiting attitude towards me.▸ Explanation
- Points out my mistakes..▸ Explanation
Note: For him/her, it is more about your factual mistakes and less about your 'personality flaws'!
- Wants to convince me, with good intentions.▸ Explanation
Note: He/she wants the best for you, does not seek a fight!
- Shows his/her vulnerability.▸ Explanation
- Takes a wait-and-see attitude.▸ Explanation
- Follows my rules.▸ Explanation
- "The best defense is a good offense''.▸ Explanation
- Withdraws from me.▸ Explanation
The following 8 statements relate to what the child evokes in you, to which kind of response you are initially inclined. Please note: It is NOT about whether you always respond this way in reality. You can get an explanation for each statement. Click one of the three answer options to indicate to what extent the statement applies.
- You tend to see this child as docile..▸ Explanation
- You tend to have power battles with this child.▸ Explanation
Note: 'Struggle' to reach the child emotionally or to activate it, is NOT meant here!
- You tend to 'mother' this child.▸ Explanation
- You tend to see this child as a sort of supportive 'buddy' for you in this group.▸ Explanation
- You tend to respond in an irritated way and/or to rebuff this child.▸ Explanation
- You tend to (try to) raise this child's spirits.▸ Explanation
- You tend to trust this child with responsibilities.▸ Explanation
- You tend to punish this child.▸ Explanation
The following 32 statements refer to how the child interacts with other children (with the group). You can get an explanation for each statement. By clicking on one of the five answer options, you indicate which answer applies. 'normal' = when necessary, this ability is used appropriately.
- Empathizes with other children.▸ Explanation
- On his/her guard against other children.▸ Explanation
- Acts in a demanding way towards other children.▸ Explanation
- Behaves modestly towards other children.▸ Explanation
- Encourages and supports other children.▸ Explanation
- Adopts a reserved attitude towards other children.▸ Explanation
- Accepts criticism from other children.▸ Explanation
- Trusts his/her judgement.▸ Explanation
- Criticizes other children at a personal level.▸ Explanation
- Gives advice to other children.▸ Explanation
- Emphasizes other children's qualities.▸ Explanation
- Behaves dependently towards other children.▸ Explanation
- Gives other children space.▸ Explanation
- Shows his/her anger towards other children.▸ Explanation
Note: Meaning: anger at those children themselves!
- Wants to outperform other children..▸ Explanation
- Makes critical notes: 'Yes, but..".▸ Explanation
- Takes the lead for the group's sake.▸ Explanation
- Acts in a caring way towards other children.▸ Explanation
- Does as he/she is asked..▸ Explanation
- Separates him/herself by keeping silent.▸ Explanation
Note: "Supercilious" silence is NOT meant here.
- Shows when dissatisfied.▸ Explanation
- Stands up to other children.▸ Explanation
- Organizes and arranges things for other children.▸ Explanation
- Shows when he/she is disappointed.▸ Explanation
- Takes a passive, awaiting attitude.▸ Explanation
- Points out their mistakes to other children..▸ Explanation
Note: For him/her it is more about their factual mistakes and less about their 'personality flaws'! 'He/she plays the ball, not the man'.
- Wants to convince other children, for their sake..▸ Explanation
Note: The child wants 'the best for them', doesn't look for a fight!
- Shows his/her vulnerability to other children..▸ Explanation
- Takes a wait-and-see attitude.▸ Explanation
- Observes the rules of the group.▸ Explanation
- 'The best defense is a good offense'.▸ Explanation
- Withdraws from other children.▸ Explanation
The following 8 statements relate to how the other children react to the behaviour of the child in question. You can indicate these reactions in a nuanced way, because usually not all group members respond in the same way. The group is therefore symbolically represented as three figures.You can put those figures in varying compositions by clicking on three different answer boxes. So you will not only indicate hów the reaction is, but also whether a minority, a majority or the whole group reacts that way. Each time you change the composition, you will get a description of the answer you are giving at that moment. Please check this description carefully.
- Other children assume beforehand that this child will agree with them.
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ Explanation - Other children behave in a subservient way towards this child.
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ Explanation - Other children take the initiative with this child..
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ Explanation - Other children seek and appreciate this child's pleasant company.
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ ExplanationNote: So not for reasons such as tension, sensation, docility or bullying!
- Other children respond in an irritated way towards this child.
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ Explanation - Other children tend to 'forget' this child.
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ Explanation - Other children choose to follow this child's lead.
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ Explanation - Other children are afraid of this child.
Your answer is now:
The whole group reacts within normal limits like this▸ Explanation
Below you will find the Interaction wheels. These wheels are the result of your completion of this BOAT Questionnaire. Download these interaction wheels as a PDF file. Then also download your numerical results as an IAS file. The IAS file is an important tool for saving, mailing and further processing of your results. Download BOTH files from the buttons at the bottom of the two text boxes.
A Interaction Wheel Child-Educator
B Interaction Wheel Child-Other Children
Click on 'Download .pdf' to download the Interaction Wheels. You can then save this PDF file, print and / or e-mail it.
Download does not work because you forgot to fill out the personal data at the beginning of the questionnaire.
Save .ias file
Click on 'Download .ias' to download your numerical data. Then, you can save and / or e-mail this .ias file. That way you won't lose your data. Saved .ias files can be reopened here later (or with another BOAT-program).
Download does not work because you forgot to fill out the personal data at the beginning of the questionnaire.